Monday, 19 March 2012

Scarlett Inside

Last night I ended up at the Flask in Saltcoats. I wasn't going to go out, Sunday night, not bad viewing on the old tv box, but I decided to get ready and go out. After some nice chit chat via facebook with the lovely Amanda (manager) of The Flask, I decided to take my guitar down and play some tunes to open the night. I love the Flask, I love that there's live music every Sunday night, but I wish I had stayed in last night. I can't really review myself as it would be a bit biased, so all I'll say is I was just my usual self. Then my beautiful partner in both life and business got up to sing Valerie. She pretty much nailed it as she always does.
After I finished my set and had a cheeky wee cigarette, I sat down with my pint of Fosters (only £2.65 aswell, that's why Amanda's my star in the reasonably priced bar) and waited on Scarlett Inside to begin their set. They begin with noise, just noise. As an avid lover of music, I respect musicians for what they are and don't get me wrong, the band are talented individual musicians, but as a whole I just didn't get it. There was no real structure to the songs, and the guitarist was pulling instruments out from all over the place, including a violin and a Norwegian Harp (which looked like a bread basket, half a broom pole and some strings) and changing and playing them mid song. It had the feel of  “I can play these instruments so I'm going to do it anyway whether it works or not” mentality about it. As one person I spoke to said “it feels like I should be sitting in the dark smoking a giant doube” which funnily enough was the exact thoughts going through my mind.
I'm not going to say that they were an awful band, because they were far from it, in the technical side of things they were a great band, the timings were spot on, the drummer never missed a beat, the bassist (apart from disappearing during a song and leaving the guitarist looking like a rabbit caught in the headlights) was an astounding player, and the guitar itself was great. As a whole however it just didn't work. I'm undecided whether it was the group together or if it was just the sound that they were going for. I left before the end of the set, no disrespect to the guys, but it just didn't do anything for me. You win some, you lose some and Scarlett Inside lost me at the first bar.

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