Monday, 18 June 2012

I kidnapped a Bandit!!

So I've kind of neglected the blog recently, mainly because I've not been near a computer. It's not been the best of weeks for me but I decided that I'm doing a wee blog today.

Someone once said "Music is the heart of society" and it's true, so when I hear live musicians it fills me with a certain sense of joy.

On Saturday night I kidnapped a Bandit! Stuart from Brown Bear and the Bandits had no idea what was happening when I hussled him into a flat in the middle of Largs, but in all fairness I did provide him with a beer and a nice wee chat about music and the fact that I don't see it being long before BBATB are off touring the world.

It's a strange feeling when you know that you're sitting down with someone who could possibly be the next big thing. That's not to say that any other bands aren't as good as BBATB but it's just that the last couple of months have saw them rocket to success in and around Scotland.

I'm also not saying that everyone will be as successful because quite frankly I can name a few acts in Ayrshire alone who are absolutely shite! I'm not naming names because I don't want to make people upset and need a cuddle from their mummy.

Music is an art form, it's something which so many people have a passion for and I'm one of those people, and speaking to Stuart the other night I realised that he did too.

A beer and a good chat later Stuart left and my mind started thinking about what other acts I can think of who could go as far as I see BBATB going. It got me to thinking about Stonehouse Violets, a band who a few months ago I had no idea who they were but now watching them live it's a goosebump band. The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end and you just can't get enough of them.

To look at them I was instantly expecting a sound of mush (no offence guys) but from the first chord I was instantly captivated. There's not a note or a beat out of place and in terms of live acts they have to be in my top 5 from the last year.

I then remembered Dirty Looks and without going into a massive speel about them, I have to say that they are astounding. It's not everyday you can look at the stage, see a few guys who (and I mean in the nicest way) look like they should be studying for standard grades instead of playing music. They know how to own the stage, they know how to make themselves stand out and the music just blows your mind.

The last band I got thinking about was Confusion. I feel that the guys are always overlooked and underrated but to listen to their music gives me a certain feeling in my gut that doesn't happen that often. The sound is one that you can picture listening to a decade ago but at the same time it's so modern and filled with passion. I've yet to see them live and I'm sure that one day I will but just the sound of the recordings and youtube videos is enough for me to make my mind up!

I'm not sure who's going to come out of this music scene and earn the big bucks, I'm not sure if anyone will with the way that the music industry is these days. However if anyone does then I bet my last penny on it that it will be either Brown Bear and the Bandits, Stonehouse Violets, Dirty Looks or Confusion

Some musicians do have it and all of those guys certainly do!!!

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